Monday, December 15, 2008

Planet - fail

I found this site by searching for "slow food" - this doesn't really have anything to say about slow food, but then again in a round about way it does.

So, here is something that might seem a bit "hippy", but why not listen to it and try to do your part to make the place we live a little better. Cause if you really think about it - we are slowly contaminating ourselves and the planet. Just like a fat person gets fat - it happens slowly and insidiously... then one day, wow, how did this happen.

Another Way

Many people who have seen The Story of Stuff have asked what they can do to address the problems identified in the film.

Each of us can promote sustainability and justice at multiple levels: as an individual, as a teacher or parent, a community member, a national citizen, and as a global citizen. As Annie says in the film, “the good thing about such an all pervasive problem is that there are so many points of intervention.” That means that there are lots and lots of places to plug in, to get involved, and to make a difference. There is no single simple thing to do, because the set of problems we’re addressing just isn’t simple. But everyone can make a difference, but the bigger your action the bigger the difference you’ll make. Here are some ideas:

10 Little and Big Things You Can Do

  1. Power down! A great deal of the resources we use and the waste we create is in the energy we consume. Look for opportunities in your life to significantly reduce energy use: drive less, fly less, turn off lights, buy local seasonal food (food takes energy to grow, package, store and transport), wear a sweater instead of turning up the heat, use a clothesline instead of a dryer, vacation closer to home, buy used or borrow things before buying new, recycle. All these things save energy and save you money. And, if you can switch to alternative energy by supporting a company that sells green energy to the grid or by installing solar panels on your home, bravo!
  2. Waste less. Per capita waste production in the U.S. just keeps growing. There are hundreds of opportunities each day to nurture a Zero Waste culture in your home, school, workplace, church, community. This takes developing new habits which soon become second nature. Use both sides of the paper, carry your own mugs and shopping bags, get printer cartridges refilled instead of replaced, compost food scraps, avoid bottled water and other over packaged products, upgrade computers rather than buying new ones, repair and mend rather than replace….the list is endless! The more we visibly engage in re-use over wasting, the more we cultivate a new cultural norm, or actually, reclaim an old one!
  3. Talk to everyone about these issues. At school, your neighbors, in line at the supermarket, on the bus…A student once asked Cesar Chavez how he organized. He said, “First, I talk to one person. Then I talk to another person.” “No,” said the student, “how do you organize?” Chavez answered, “First I talk to one person. Then I talk to another person.” You get the point. Talking about these issues raises awareness, builds community and can inspire others to action.
  4. Make Your Voice Heard. Write letters to the editor and submit articles to local press. In the last two years, and especially with Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize, the media has been forced to write about Climate Change. As individuals, we can influence the media to better represent other important issues as well. Letters to the editor are a great way to help newspaper readers make connections they might not make without your help. Also local papers are often willing to print book and film reviews, interviews and articles by community members. Let’s get the issues we care about in the news.
  5. DeTox your body, DeTox your home, and DeTox the Economy. Many of today’s consumer products – from children’s pajamas to lipstick – contain toxic chemical additives that simply aren’t necessary. Research online (for example, before you buy to be sure you’re not inadvertently introducing toxics into your home and body. Then tell your friends about toxics in consumer products. Together, ask the businesses why they’re using toxic chemicals without any warning labels. And ask your elected officials why they are permitting this practice. The European Union has adopted strong policies that require toxics to be removed from many products. So, while our electronic gadgets and cosmetics have toxics in them, people in Europe can buy the same things toxics-free. Let’s demand the same thing here. Getting the toxics out of production at the source is the best way to ensure they don’t get into any home and body.
  6. Unplug (the TV and internet) and Plug In (the community). The average person in the U.S. watches T.V. over 4 hours a day. Four hours per day filled with messages about stuff we should buy. That is four hours a day that could be spent with family, friends and in our community. On-line activism is a good start, but spending time in face-to-face civic or community activities strengthens the community and many studies show that a stronger community is a source of social and logistical support, greater security and happiness. A strong community is also critical to having a strong, active democracy.
  7. Park your car and walk…and when necessary MARCH! Car-centric land use policies and life styles lead to more greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel extraction, conversion of agricultural and wildlands to roads and parking lots. Driving less and walking more is good for the climate, the planet, your health, and your wallet. But sometimes we don’t have an option to leave the car home because of inadequate bike lanes or public transportation options. Then, we may need to march, to join with others to demand sustainable transportation options. Throughout U.S. history, peaceful non-violent marches have played a powerful role in raising awareness about issues, mobilizing people, and sending messages to decision makers.
  8. Change your lightbulbs…and then, change your paradigm. Changing lightbulbs is quick and easy. Energy efficient lightbulbs use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer than conventional ones. That's a no-brainer. But changing lightbulbs is just tinkering at the margins of a fundamentally flawed system unless we also change our paradigm. A paradigm is a collection of assumptions, concepts, beliefs, and values that together make up a community’s way of viewing reality. Our current paradigm dictates that more stuff is better, that infinite economic growth is desirable and possible, and that pollution is the price of progress. To really turn things around, we need to nurture a different paradigm based on the values of sustainability, justice, health, and community.
  9. Recycle your trash…and, recycle your elected officials. Recycling saves energy and reduces both waste and the pressure to harvest and mine new stuff. Unfortunately, many cities still don’t have adequate recycling systems in place. In that case you can usually find some recycling options in the phone book to start recycling while you’re pressuring your local government to support recycling city-wide. Also, many products – for example, most electronics - are designed not to be recycled or contain toxics so recycling is hazardous. In these cases, we need to lobby government to prohibit toxics in consumer products and to enact Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws, as is happening in Europe. EPR is a policy which holds producers responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products, so that electronics company who use toxics in their products, have to take them back. That is a great incentive for them to get the toxics out!
  10. Buy Green, Buy Fair, Buy Local, Buy Used, and most importantly, Buy Less. Shopping is not the solution to the environmental problems we currently face because the real changes we need just aren’t for sale in even the greenest shop. But, when we do shop, we should ensure our dollars support businesses that protect the environment and worker rights. Look beyond vague claims on packages like “all natural” to find hard facts. Is it organic? Is it free of super-toxic PVC plastic? When you can, buy local products from local stores, which keeps more of our hard earned money in the community. Buying used items keeps them out of the trash and avoids the upstream waste created during extraction and production. But, buying less may be the best option of all. Less pollution. Less Waste. Less time working to pay for the stuff. Sometimes, less really is more.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Everyone - I want to tell you about a product I have been taking for ~ 4 months. It is called MaxGXL.
I will let the video go into the details about what it does, but I can tell you what it has done for me - I have had a marked increase in energy, my mood has improved, and I have been sleeping more soundly. Rather than waking up and being restless when I am in bed - I am asleep. As anyone knows sleep or lack there of can make or break your day. Another benefit I have noticed is that my allergies have gone away.
Now this is not a product that you can take and then in 5 minutes you have energy spewing out of every pour in your body. It is not like that, it is not like caffeine or any other artificial stimulant. These false sources of energy set you flying for a bit and then let you down with a crash. What MaxGXL does is that it goes to the cellular (in your body, not in your phone) level and begins to repair what has gone awry with time, poor nutrition, stress, pollutants, alcohol, and just general inflammatory processes of the body. It acts by promoting Glutathione production.
And this is where the questions begin. What is glutathione? Do I want that stuff to be in my body? And so on...
As I mentioned, the video will go into some of the details about glutathione and what it does. Let me preface that with a cliffs notes version of what is known as glutathione or in the medical world GSH. Glutathione is an anti-oxidant. If you know anything about nutrition or health or have heard anything about disease processes you then know that anti-oxidants are good things and they are important to your body. What they do essentially is they protect your body from the negative by products of cellular reactions. As you know the body is an elaborate chemistry set. There are billions of reactions that will happen today before you go back to bed. Many of these reactions utilize oxygen. And when this is done there is an opportunity for oxidative stress to occur. Oxidative stress can be fast forwarded by poor diet, stress, smoking, lack of sleep, toxins, poor air quality, diseases, and from other sources as well. Essentially when oxidative stress occurs in the body it can cause damage to cells. And since cells make up tissues - tissues are eventually damaged --> then damaged tissues can lead to disease --> disease can lead to premature death. Of course this all takes place over many years. An example of oxidative damage that everyone can relate to is rust. Rust is oxidized iron.
Back to what MaxGXL does - it promotes glutathione production in each of the billions of cells in your body thus reducing the damages done by oxidative stress. Examples of oxidative stress of the body include signs of aging (since our levels of glutathione production go down as we age): wrinkled skin, decreased energy, memory loss; inflammatory problems - this is huge, since almost every disease (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease which is America's #1 killer, and pretty much any other disease you can think of) begins with inflammation and continues with inflammation. By increasing your levels of intracellular glutathione you can turn the tide on the inflammatory process. What does that mean for you? I have mentioned a few of the benefits I've experienced, and that is just after 4 months. I first began to see benefits about 2 - 3 weeks after starting, some begin to see benefits after 2 months and some after 4 days. It all depends upon how much oxidative stress your body is under. Glutathione will first be utilized by the most urgent area of need. If that is to reduce inflammation on the internal wall of a major artery thus slowing or stopping the formation of plaque and the eventual cascade to a potential cardiovascular occlusion or if it allows your body to utilize ATP (the body's currency of energy) more efficiently thus proving you with more energy - either is great, but your energy level might not jump up for 60 to 90 days if the glutathione is 'putting out' more important fires in your body.

So you see how glutathione works to improve your energy and body in a natural way. It is nothing like caffeine or a quick, unhealthy, boost to get you through the day. It is an approach to assist your body in it's natural function. As a person reaches their lower 20's their production of glutathione naturally begins to decrease. That is why this is generally when people begin to notice their 'metabolism' decreasing and their energy level dropping.
I am not trying to tell you this is a wonder drug (actually it is not a drug at all) cure all. But what I can tell you is that this product increases glutathione levels in 100% of the people 100% of the time. Do you see the benefit to that?

There are many factors that play a role in disease processes (genetics, diet, environment, lifestyle choices), but you can play a proactive role in reducing your chances of many maladies by making wise lifestyle (exercise, good nutrition, stress management and relaxation,...) and health choices.
For each man is appointed to live and then die, so why not make your time here full of vitality and enjoy it to the max.
If you are interested in learning more about the product - contact me, go to my website, or watch the video.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


A fine Sunday indeed for Tony RomoBy RANDY GALLOWAYrgalloway@star-telegram.comTony Romo had been somewhat of an NFL opening-week quarterbacking exception, enjoying a great Sunday in Cleveland, except, of course, for that bloody chin thing.The weekend had also gone very well for Bill and Sharon White of Irving, who were returning late in the evening after an out-of-town trip.The national news was about a day of QB disasters around the league, even at the elite level. Tom Brady, down and out for the season. Peyton Manning, looking feeble and lost. Carson Palmer, his once stellar reputation taking another plunge.And for pure weirdness, there's Vince Young, a young man in obvious need of either a good shrink or a good butt-kicking.Meanwhile, even as devout football fans, the Whites had been on the road and out of touch with the NFL events. They particularly didn't want to know the Dallas Cowboys' outcome. The TiVo at home was waiting. Bill planned to watch the Cleveland game immediately, with suspense attached.But a couple of miles from the house, while driving on MacArthur Boulevard, the Whites had their own mini-disaster. A tire blew on the Mercury. Bill, luckily, managed to nurse his wounded ride off the street and into the lighted parking lot of a strip mall.For troubling news on a Sunday, it didn't rank up there with taking a direct hit to the chin from the helmet of linebacker Willie McGinest, but Bill became a bit woozy himself when he discovered his jack was malfunctioning. Never a good thing at midnight.Plan B kicked in, however. One of those cigarette-lighter-plug-in air compressors was available. Except it was leaking more air than it was pumping."I don't know, a hundred cars, probably more, had to go by. Nobody was stopping," said Bill. "That's just kind of the way it is in today's world."And then ..."Bill was fooling with that tire, and I was standing beside the car watching him," Sharon said."The next thing I know, a nice-looking young man, very well-dressed, but with something strange on his chin, he walked up, smiled, and said, 'Hey, you need some help?' " Sharon hadn't even noticed a car pull up.So now it's Bill and the well-dressed young man both bent over a flat tire at midnight on a Sunday, trying to figure out why a faulty air compressor plugged into the cigarette lighter was leaking more than pumping."I didn't get a good look at him at that point," Bill said. "We were both trying to get the tire pumped up."Sharon, however, took a second look. "You are Tony Romo," she said. No reply, just a smile, and then it was back to work on the compressor.Finally, they got the tire aired up. Enough, anyway, to make a slow drive home."I didn't want to bother him," Sharon said, "but I asked again, 'You're Tony Romo, right?' " I knew it was him by then. But he smiled and said, 'Yes, ma'am.' "Sharon: "I did something no 50-year-old woman should be doing, but I screamed real loud, and then jumped up and hugged him."Bill's immediate response was "Don't tell me how you guys did. I'm going home to watch it."By the next day, after seeing what the "something strange on his chin" was about, that made the Whites appreciate Romo's gesture even more."He gets almost knocked cold in that game, and I read it took 13 stitches to close the cut, and then there's a long flight home [the Cowboys charter arrived at around 11 p.m.] and Tony's got to be dog tired, but he still was a good enough person to stop and help us," Bill said."Look, we're driving a 10-year old car that is sitting in a parking lot with a flat tire in the dead of night. He could tell by that we're nothing special.But here's a young man making millions of dollars, and he's got all this fame and glory, and he does this?"The Whites couldn't thank Romo enough. "But if I ever had the opportunity, I'd also like to thank two other people. His mom and dad," Bill said. "They obviously raised him right. We've got kids about his age. We know how difficult it can sometimes be in this day and age."(An e-mail from Sharon alerted me to Tony's good deed. No Cowboys official knew about it even by Wednesday.)Not that the Whites weren't already Romo fans, but ..."After all this, what I realized is the athletic thing is Tony's gift, yet it goes beyond that," Bill said. "This was a good person we met. A good person with small-town values despite all the big-city fame and fortune."Shrug off a blow to the chin. Win a game. Help strangers fix a flat. It was a fine Sunday for the kid.Randy Galloway can be heard 3-6 p.m. weekdays on Galloway & Co. on ESPN/103.3 FMRandy Galloway, 817-390-7760

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Indian Guy

I met this guy from India last night. He called himself Dave. I don't know if that was his real name or not. I went to a place called the Christian Community Center, it is a place that young adults hang out and socialize, eat, and the sort. After about an hour there Dave walks in and starts hitting the food and after a few people said a hello or two to him I decided to go introduce myself to this guy. At the watering hole in the joint I said hi, told him who I was, and asked his name and if he was in school. This guy was full of information. About an hour later I had learned so much about him and India and that within 25 years that Texas will have a Governor who will not speak a lick of English. One of his business professors was telling him this and that within 15 years that all the bill boards along the tollway and other major highways will all be in Spanish. After he finishes his undergrad he is going to learn to speak Spanish fluently then open a health care company that deals with natruopathy in either L.A. or Dallas. They will primarily cater to the Hispanic population.
After telling him that I was interested in going to India he really began to talk. He said, "lets sits down, tell me what you like about India?" He told me about the people, the religions, history, how Indian people originated. You all know of the people we see walking around that we might call 'towel heads'? I mean no disrespect by that. But they are a sect of Hindu called seek, I am sure that is the incorrect spelling but that is what his was calling the religion. He told me why they wear those and about the history of how it happened.
Apparently long ago India was a conglomeration of many different states that lived peacefully among each other. They each spoke their own language with multiple dialects. When Britain assumed occupancy of the area they introduced common laws, English, electricity, and much more. Upon Britain leaving, the Indian states were given the option to be independent or unite under a common government. Most all of the states chose to become part of India, but Kashmir remained independent. Over time Muslim influence from Pakistan, on its western border I believe, began to try to force Islam on the people of Kashmir against their will. Today tensions between India and Pakistan still boil over concerning this area. Kashmir eventually decided they wanted to be annexed into India.
We talked about why Islam appears violent and radical at times. He says because in Islam that they are taught that the world should only have Islamic people. Therefore they should do away with the infidels.
He told me so much more as well. We talked about how the Caste system was started and how there are more Indians who speak English in India than in the United States. There are 1.15 Billion people in India and some around 360 million speak English. That is more than the population of the U.S.

Interesting fellow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Check it out Free Books`

A really cool site that has free books online. CDs are also available.

Free Books

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Turning the page

For those of you who do not know yet - I am going to graduate school this fall.
After a few years of working hard and not really falling in love with any particular 'job' I have had... I am chasing after what I really enjoy and have a passion for - nutrition and wellness. I am getting my Masters in Sports Nutrtition. It just feels like it fits. I initially went in to talk to TWU about their graduate program in Nutrition and when I did the advisor mentioned that I should look into Sports Nutrition, So of course I jumped on that. It will open up more opportunities as well. I can now work in the sports arena and that would just be fun.
I start classes on August 25th at no other place than Texas Women's University in Denton, Texas. And yes, they do accept men.
The whole thing is exciting and scary at the same time. Taking the step to follow my dreams is exciting and motivating. The whole stepping in to the unknown element of 'going back to school' brings about the "whatsgonnahappennext" factor. But hey, I guess I have dealt with a few of those this year already...
Today I can say that this is what I am supposed to be doing. There was a little risk with stepping out to do this, but I feel there was more of a risk not taking this chance. I am not getting any younger, right now is a good time to take this chance. Also when I come out the other end I will have a very marketable skill . With awareness on the rise and billions of dollars being spent on "nutrition" each year I feel confidient that I will have many opportunities available. Through the whole decision making process I kept telling myself that if for some reason this doesn't work out or I don't feel like it is my bag, then I can always go back a get a job that I don't like and go work some where only for the money. I am tired of doing that, going to work just for money. I am ready to do something I enjoy. So... here it goes.

And now I live over here in Denton with 4 other guys... I am diving right back in to the whole college experiece. Yeah, gonna have to find a part time job, start studying again... dating college chicks, syllaby, Student ID, full time = 12 hours.
Exciting and scary at the same time.

If any body knows of a great place to work around Denton let me know. Otherwise I will be selling my platelettes. And I hate needles!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Left Handers

I don't think I saw Jason Alexander on this list, but he is part of the crew as well... As is Albert Einstein... and Ryan Reist :)

Left-Handed U.S. Presidents
James A. Garfield (1831-1881) 20thHerbert Hoover (1874-1964) 31stHarry S. Truman (1884-1972) 33rdGerald Ford (1913- ) 38thRonald Reagan (1911 - ) 40thGeorge H.W. Bush (1924- ) 41stBill Clinton (1946- ) 42nd

Left-Handed U.S. Politicos
Senator Bill Bradley, Rhodes scholar, basketball starMcGeorge Bundy, presidential advisorBenjamin Franklin, statesman/publisher/scientist Steve Forbes, businessman/publisherJean-Marc Froidevaux ?, Suiss politician Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Supreme Court JusticeSenator Daniel InouyeAnthony Kennedy, Supreme Court JusticeBrigadier Gen. Lee Hsien Loon, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of DefenseCol. Oliver North, White House aidH. Ross Perot, businessmanWilliam Perry, Secretary of DefenseNelson Rockefeller, Vice PresidentSenator Hugh ScottRobert Wagner, New York mayorHenry Wallace, Vice President[Senator Bob Dole - switched to left due to injury]

Miscellaneous Left-Handers
Joan of Arc (?), French heroine Lloque Yapanqui (?), Inca monarchRamses II (?), Egyptian pharaoh Tiberius (?), Roman emperor Alexander the Great Charlemagne, Holy Roman emperor Julius Caesar, Roman general Napoléon Bonaparte (?), French emperor attends Napoleon forums-->Josephine de Beauharnais King Louis XVI of France Queen Victoria of England King George II of EnglandKing George VI of England Prince Charles of EnglandPrince William of EnglandFidel Castro, Cuban leaderBenjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime-ministerNicole d'Oresme, mathematician Henry Ford, automobile manufacturerDavid Rockefeller, bankerDwight F. Davis, founder of the Davis Cup in tennisHelen Keller, advocate for the blind Dr. Albert Schweitzer, physician/missionary August Piccard, inventor of stratosphere, bathosphereEdwin Buzz Aldrin, astronautWally Schirra, astronautDr. Mark Silver, surgeonPaul Prudhomme, chefCecil Beaton, photographer/costume designer Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts (ambidexterous)Dave Barry, journalist Edward R. Murrow, correspondent Ted Koppel, journalist Forrest Sawyer, journalist Ray Suarez, journalist John F. Kennedy, Jr., lawyer/publisherCaroline Kennedy, lawyer/authorRon Reagan, son of Ronald ReaganVin Scully, sports broadcasterDavid Letterman (?), hostJay Leno, host Lenny Bruce, comedianAllen Ludden, hostJoel Hodgson, host of Mystery Science Theater 3000 Wink Martindale, game show hostUri Geller, psychokinetic performer Richard Simmons, exercise guruEuell Gibbons, naturalistMarie Dionne, one of the Dionne quintuplets General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Clarence Darrow, lawyerF. Lee Bailey, lawyerMelvin Belli, lawyerMarcia Clark, lawyerAlan Funt, television producer Milt Caniff, cartoonistBill Mauldin, cartoonistCathy Guisevite, cartoonistCathy comic strip)-->Matt Groening, cartoonist Jean Plantureux (Plantu), political cartoonist Pat Oliphand, political cartoonist Ronald Searle, cartoonist Pat Robertson, evangelist/politicianN.B. Forrest, Confederate generalJohn Dillinger, criminal/bank robber Boston Strangler (Albert Henry DeSalvo), serial killer Jack-the-Ripper, serial killer , old photo was reversed origin of mistake-->John Wesley Hardin, Western gunslinger Bart Simpson, cartoon character [King Edward III of England, due to stroke]

Left-Handed Authors
James Baldwin, novelist Bet Bowen, horror novelist Peter Benchley, novelist Lewis Carroll Richard Condon, novelist Jean GenetMarshall McLuhanNOT Jame Mitchner, who is included on many published lists.-->Diane Paul Helen Hooven Santmyer, novelist And Ladies of the Club-->Viktoria Stefanov Mark Twain, novelist Samuel C. Warner (?), poet H.G. WellsJessamyn WestEudora Welty, see One Writer's Beginnings (1983:27)[Thomas Carlyle - switched to left due to injury]

Left-Handed Musicians
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, composer David Byrne (Talking Heads) Glen CampbellVicki CarrNatale Cole Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), My source is a professional musician that knows Billy personally -->Phil Collins (Genesis)Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins) Dick Dale (guitarist)Don Everly (The Everly Brothers)Phil Everly (The Everly Brothers)Bela Fleck, jazz musician Glenn Frey (the Eagles)Eric Gale, guitaristNoel Gallagher (Oasis) (?) Errol Garner, jazz pianistJudy GarlandCrysal GayleKevin Griffin, guitarist & lead singer (Better than Ezra)Thomas Hedley, vocalist/musician Jimi Hendrix Isaac HayesTony Iommi, guitarist (Black Sabbath)Albert King, guitaristMelissa ManchesterChuck Mangione, trumpetMartina McBride ?, country music singer Paul McCartney (the Beatles; Wings)Christie Marie Melonson (opera) George Michael (Wham!)Peter Nero, conductorJoe Perry ? (Aerosmith) Robert Plant (Led Zepplin)Cole Porter, song-writerSergei Rachmaninoff ?, composer Maurice Ravel ?, composerLou RawlsJohn Lydon a.k.a. Johnny Rotten (Sex Pistols / Public Image Ltd.) Rich Szabo, trumpeterSeal Ringo Starr (?) (the Beatles)Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel)Tiny TimRudy ValeeLenny White, drummerPaul Williams, song-writer

Left-Handed Artists
Albrecht DürerM.C. Escher Hans Holbein Paul Klee Michelangelo LeRoy Neiman and Dr. Jakub Marek -->Raphael Leonardo da Vinci (RH paralyzed?)

Left-Handed Actors
Don AdamsDan Aykroyd Eddie AlbertTim AllenJune AllysonHarry AndersonAmitabh Bachchan, Indian actor Herschel BernardiRobert BlakeMatthew BroderickBruce BoxleitnerCarol BurnettGeorge Burns, comedianRuth Buzzi, comedienneSid Caesar, comedianKeith CarradineKhaled Chahrour, Egyptian actor Charlie Chaplin George Gobel, comedianChuck ConnersHans ConreidJames Cromwell Tom CruiseQuinn CummingsDaniel Davis Bruce DavisonMatt DillonMarty Engles, comedianOlivia de HavillandRobert DeNiroMichael DornFran Drescher, comedian Richard DreyfussW.C. FieldsLarry Fine ? (of the Three Stooges)Peter FondaGreta Garbo Terri GarrPaul Michael GlaserWhoopie GoldbergBetty GrableCary GrantPeter GravesMark HamillRex Harrison Goldie HawnJoey HeathertonTippi HedrenJim Henson, puppetteerKermit the FrogRock HudsonAngelina JolieShirley Jones ?Gabe KaplanDanny KayeDiane KeatonGeorge KennedyNicole Kidman Dead Calm / My Life, from>Lisa Kudrow Michael LandonHope LangeJoey Lawrence Peter LawfordCloris LeachmanHal LindenCleavon LittleShirley MacLaineAndrew McCarthyKristy McNicholSteve McQueenHowie Mandel, comedian Marcel Marceau, mime Harpo MarxMarsha MasonMary Stuart MastersonAnne Meara, comedianSasha MitchellMarilyn MonroeRobert MorseAnthony NewleyKim NovakRyan O'NealSarah Jessica ParkerEstelle ParsonsAnthony PerkinsRon PerlmanLuke PerryBronson PinchotJoe Piscopo, comedianRobert PrestonMichael J. PollardRichard Pryor, comedianRobert RedfordKeanu ReevesDon Rickles, comedianJulia RobertsMickey RourkeEva Marie SaintTelly SavalasJean Seberg Jerry Seinfeld, comedianChristian SlaterDick Smothers, comedianBrent SpinerSlyvester Stallone ? Terence Stamp Jessica Steen Rod SteigerAlan Thicke Terry Thomas, comedianEmma Thompson Rip TornPeter UstinovBrenda VaccaroKaren ValentineRudy ValleeDick Van DykeGraham Walker a.k.a. Grumbleweeds, English comedianWil WheatonJames WhitmoreTreat WilliamsBruce WillisWilliam WindomOprah WinfreyMare WinninghamJoanne WoodwardKeenan WynnStephanie Zimbalist

Left-Handed Athletes
SOCCERJans van Breukelen (soccer)Dan Burbott (?) (soccer)Johan Cruyff (soccer)Willem van Hanegem (soccer)Hernan Medford (soccer) Pelé -Edson Arantes do Nascimento (soccer)Diego Armando Maradona (soccer) Romario (soccer)Hugo Sanchez (soccer) Richard Witschge (soccer) CRICKETAlan Border (cricket)Alistair Campbell (cricket) Denis Compton (cricket) Saurav Ganguly (cricket) David Gower (cricket) Gary Sobers (cricket) OLYMPIC SPORTSFrancis X. Gorman (diving)Greg Louganis (diving)Mark Spitz (swimming)Bruce Jenner (decathlon)Nikita Kohloff (wrestling)Dorothy Hamill (skating) GOLFBonny Bryant (golf)Bob Charles (golf) Russ Cochran (golf)Connie Decker (golf) NOT Ben Hogan (golf), who is included on many published lists FENCINGCécile Argiolas (fencing) Laura Flessel-Colovic (fencing) Fabrice Gazin (fencing) Matthieu Gourdain (fencing) Fabrice Jeannet (fencing) Giuseppe Mangiarotti (fencing)Hugues Obry (fencing) Anne-Lise Touya (fencing)Adeline Wuilleme (fencing) CYCLINGThomas Voeckler (French), cyclist HOCKEYTom BarrassoPhil EspositoCam NeelyTerry SawchukRoman Turek BOWLINGBill Allen (bowling)Patrick Allen (bowling)Earl Anthony (bowling)Mike Aulby (bowling)Steve Cook (bowling)Patty Costello (bowling)Dave Davis (bowling)Cara Honeychurch (bowling)Tish Johnson (bowling)Johnny Petraglia (bowling)Andy Varipapa (bowling) BILLARDSSteve Mizerak, Jr. (billiards)Kun-Fang Lee (billiards)Bonnie Arnold (billiards)Reynaldo Grandee (billiards) BADMINTONErik Poul Hoejer (badminton)Peter Rasmussen (badminton)Donna Stacey (netball) BOXERSCarmen Basilio (boxing)James "Gentleman Jim" Corbett (boxing)Marvin Hagler (boxing)Oscar de la Hoya (boxing)Reggie Johnson (boxing)Rafael "Bazooka" Limon (boxing)Freddie Miller (boxing)Jacker Patterson (boxing)Pernell "Sweet Pea" Whitaker (boxing) DRIVERSJohnny Herbert (Formula 1 driver)Terry Labonte (NASCAR race car driver)Ayrton Senna (Formula 1 driver)Karl Wendlinger (Formula 1 driver)Valentino Rossi (motorcycle racer) AMERICAN FOOTBALLFrankie Albert ( Baker ( Brunell (quarterback)Bobby Douglass ( "Boomer" Esiason ( Del Gaizon ( Humm ( McDonald ( Mitchell ( Sayers ( Sherman (, coach)Kenny Stabler ( Young ( Zorn ( BASKETBALLNate Archibald (basketball)Walter Berry (basketball)Larry Bird (basketball)Adrian Branch (basketball) Calbert Cheaney (basketball) Dave Cowens (basketball)Adrian Dantley (basketball)Charles "Lefty" Driesell (basketball)Mark Eaton (basketball)Nick Van Exel (basketball) Gail Goodrich (basketball)Ron Kellogg (basketball)Toni Kukoc (basketball) Bob Lanier (basketball)Brad Lohaus (basketball) Harold Minor? (basketball) Dick Motta (basketball)Chris Mullen (basketball) Sam Perkins (basketball) Digger Phelps (basketball)Willis Reed (basketball)Guy Rodgers (basketball)Bill Russell (basketball)Wayman Tisdale (basketball)Bill Walton (basketball)Lenny Wilkins (basketball)Manuel Zuleta (basketball) TENNISKenneth Carlsen (tennis) Jimmy Connors (tennis)Norman Brookes (tennis)Courtney De Mone (tennis) Guy Forget (tennis)Andres Gomez (Santos) (tennis)Goran Ivanesivic (tennis)Rod Laver (tennis)Henri LeConte (tennis)John McEnroe (tennis)Thomas Muster (tennis)Martina Navratilova (tennis) - ambidexterousManuel Orantes (tennis) Niki Pilic (tennis) Renee Richards (tennis)Marcello Chino Rios (tennis) Monica Seles (tennis)Roscoe Tanner (tennis)Guillermo Vilas (tennis) Mark Woodforde (tennis) BASEBALLSteve Carlton ? (pitcher)Whitey Ford (pitcher)Paul Gibson (pitcher)Lefty Grove (pitcher)Ron Guidry (pitcher)Al Habrosky (pitcher)Steve Howe (pitcher)Bruce Hurst (pitcher)Carl Hubbell (pitcher)Randy Johnson (pitcher)Tommy John (pitcher)Bob Kipper (pitcher)Joe Magrane (pitcher)Greg Swindell (pitcher)Brady Anderson (baseball)Steve Avery (baseball)Harold Baines (baseball)-->Barry Bonds (baseball)Wade Boggs ? (baseball)-->Lou Brock (baseball)Brett Butler (baseball)Will Clark (baseball)Ty Cobb (baseball)Adrian Dantley (basketball)-->Lenny Dykstra (baseball)John Franco (baseball) Tom Glavine (baseball)Lefty Gomez (baseball)Leon "Goose" Goslin (baseball)Ken Griffey, Jr. (baseball)Tony Gwynn (baseball)Rickey Henderson (baseball)Kent Hrbek (baseball)"Shoeless" Joe Jackson (baseball)Reggie Jackson (baseball)David Justice (baseball)Wally Joyner (baseball)Sandy Koufax (baseball)John Kruk (baseball)Kenny Lofton (baseball)Fred Lynn? (baseball)Kevin Maas (baseball)John McGras (baseball)Fred McGriff (baseball)Heinie Manush (baseball)Dave Martinez (baseball)Don Mattingly (baseball)Jackie Mitchell (baseball)Stan Musial (baseball)Troy O'Leary (baseball) Paul O'Neil (baseball)John Olerud (baseball)Mel Ott (baseball)Rafael Palmeiro (baseball)Dan Pasqua (baseball)Babe Ruth (baseball)"Neon" Deion Sanders (baseball/ Spahn (baseball)Casey Stengel (baseball)Darryl Strawberry (baseball)Lou Whitaker (baseball)Ted Williams (baseball)Fernando Valenzuela (baseball)Tommy Lasorda (baseball manager)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

From Psalms 139

Psalm 139:1-5
Listen to this passageView commentary related to this passage
Psalm 139
1O LORD, You have (A)searched me and known me. 2You (B)know when I sit down and when I rise up; You (C)understand my thought from afar. 3You (D)scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. 4Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You (E)know it all. 5You have (F)enclosed me behind and before, And (G)laid Your hand upon me.
Cross references:

Psalm 139:17-18
Listen to this passageView commentary related to this passage
17How precious also are Your (A)thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18If I should count them, they would (B)outnumber the sand When (C)I awake, I am still with You.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Public Enemy # 1 :`(

The terrible truth about trans fat

Until now, you may not have known much about the demon called “trans fat.” But what you don’t know could kill you! Find out why you’re much better off completely eliminating this proven killer from your diet and where you can find it lurking in your daily meals.
Don't be the next victimCookies, cakes, and pies! Oh, my! It’s hard to resist the overwhelming appeal of junk food, fast food, and comfort food. Sometimes there’s nothing better than a big jelly doughnut or a fresh hot order of french fries. Hungry yet? Before you finish off that bag of chips, get the real story on the trans fat demon. It’s a proven killer, and you could be its next victim!
Just what is trans fat and why is it so dangerous?Trans fat is the nickname for “partially hydrogenated” oils, an artificial fat that the food industry once thought was a cheap and safe alternative to saturated fats like butter or tropical oils. And it’s been used in all kinds of foods for decades. Trans fat is actually one part of the complete chemistry of partially hydrogenated oil, but it’s the most dangerous part. Research has found that while both trans fat and saturated fat are guilty of clogging arteries, only trans fat also reduces the good cholesterol that clears arteries. That makes trans fat twice as dangerous as the saturated fat it was designed to replace.Because trans fat decreases the good cholesterol while increasing the bad, it’s a double threat to your heart. One prominent research study estimated that if people replaced trans fat with nonhydrogenated polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils, up to as many as 100,000 cardiac deaths a year in the United States may be prevented. That’s about 15 percent of the total number of cardiac deaths in the United States.It’s so unhealthy that some communities, like New York City, have barred restaurants from using artificial trans fat. Some fast-food chains have opted not to use trans fat in cooking oil.The risks are so serious that the Food and Drug Administration has said there is no healthy level of trans fat for our diets and ordered food companies to list trans fat amounts on food labels.
Giving trans fat the boot
So why don’t we just take the trans fat out of our food? Easier said than done! Not only has this liquid killer seeped into many of our foods, but it’s also made itself a good houseguest by being so versatile. It stays firm when it needs to, keeps food fresher longer, can take high heat without breaking down, and gives many foods a wonderful taste. Because it’s so popular and easy to work with, it’s a staple in the restaurant and fast-food industry.
Be your own trans fat sleuth
Although you’ll be able to see the trans fat totals on anything you buy in the store, it’s going to take some time for food companies and restaurants to wipe it out of their systems. It’s going to be time-consuming and expensive to find something else that tastes as good and works as well. In the meantime, you’re on your own to keep your trans fat consumption as low as possible.
Trans fat’s top 10
Here are the 10 foods highest in trans fat. Try to limit or eliminate these from your diet if at all possible and keep the killer at bay.
Cake mixes
Cereal and energy bars
Dried soups
Fast food
Frozen entrees
Nondairy creamers and whipped toppings
Packaged cookies and candy
Packaged doughnuts, pies, and cakes
Potato chips and crackers – Source: Prevention magazine
The bottom line
Many popular foods contain a lot of trans fat. With a little effort and awareness, you can avoid the proven killer while still enjoying a satisfying and varied diet.
Other links:
These links are a must read.

Trans fat: Avoid this cholesterol double whammy
Healthy Heart – Avoid Trans Fat
All About Fats

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Suffering and Glory of the Servant

Good Stuff: Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 and more below---

The Suffering and Glory of the Servant

13 See, my servant will act wisely [a] ; he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.
14 Just as there were many who were appalled at him [b]— his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness—
15 so will he sprinkle many nations, [c] and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.
Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression [d] and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken. [e]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes [f] his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life [g] and be satisfied [h] ; by his knowledge [i] my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, [j] and he will divide the spoils with the strong, [k] because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

You know who that is talking about right?

What if what we really needed was not known by us? If there is a God, and I believe there is, would he not want what is best for us? If he knew everything would that not be true? If he created us and everything around us - the air we breath, the sun and its light, what makes us smile, outter space, spiders, notes that can form a melody, the laws of science we enjoy to discover, time, and well everything else we know of and are yet to learn about - if he created it all then would he not know what is best for it? Does Bill Gates and his dream team of computronic engineers not know the minutest details of thier creations and how they are best utulized? How much more does the One who created the ablity to create know about what he has made? Sometimes he uses that which he creates for purposes other than what we might think would be our best use for that creation. What is he doing with you? For example - see the above section of verse from the book of Isaiah from the Bible. His son suffered unto death so that we might have our transgressions blotted from record so that we would accomplish his perfect will - to bring us to him. <-- More details upon request In the last 2 days I read of a similar topic in 2 different books. What I believe the theme of what I read was is that many times we have to wait or give up something we think we want to receive something better at a later time. This topic was touched on in Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" where it states that, "an immature person is someone who cannot wait". Of course he was referring to the use of credit to buy things we don't need so we can impress people we don't like... but as you can see the satement, which is biblical, as he states in his book, has an overreaching message to other life situations as well. Think about that quote... ... ... I think it makes sense. The other book that I just finished yesterday - C.S. Lewis' "The Magician's Nephew" was an easy read and an excellent story as well. I don't want to ruin it but the same principal of waiting for your reward rather than consuming the present 'temptation' is paralleled here as well. I would recommend both of these books. Thought out from left field - just remembered a guy I met this morning and a networking breakfast. We spoke just briefly, but I do remember the last thing he said in his 10 second commercial, "I sell custom made suits for $280" That is a steal of a deal... so maybe you wanna check him out. Read about how he started doing what he is doing. Likely he won't remember me, but if you buy a suit from him tell him you know me... Ryan, the fellow Aggie sitting at the breakfast table at the BNI breakfast at Prestonwood Country Club... :)

And boomerang back to the conversation before the random recollection of this morning. It is some what on the same subject. But how is Christianity different than any other "religion" out there. All others are based upon what you can do to get to God, but Christianity is based upon what you could not do and God did through his son, the Jesus, aka, Jesus Christ (not used as a cuss word in this case), aka the Messiah (the chosen One; Hebrew). Give it a bit of thought. In all other religous views of the world there is a path to God or certain set of acts one must abide by to be good enough to be accepted by God. Christianity tells you that you are not good enough for God (because He, being perfect does not tolerate any act of imperfection (sin); we all act imperfectly at times), but he accepts you as perfect because his son's blood paid the price for your sins. No greater love is there than this, that a man would give his life for another.

Some and many of you may already know the above but assumption on my part may not bide well for those I attribute already knowing this who may not. Any questions welcome - I don't have all or many of the answers, but I do enjoy discussion on the topic.

I hope your life is good today

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What's been going on

Whats been going on lately?

On Tuesday mornings I am beginning to meet with a group of guys to go over life with; been playing golf; took the GRE this morning; pulled up plants from the flower bed and planted new plants (two rose bushes and two hibiscus plants); went on a walk around the neighborhood today and found out we have a fit walking trail - one of those walking trails with the workout stations every hundred yards or so; got the car inspected and washed; hung out with the sis and her man all day Sunday - lots of fun; read "The Magician's Nephew", book 6 of the Chronicles of Narnia.


Friday, May 23, 2008


This guy lived to be 103. He was my great grandfather, Parker Ray. He hailed from Jacksonville, TX. He was my mom's mom's dad.
I don't know the exact date he passed but it was some time in 2007.
One time my dad was with him and Grandpa Ray said to him, "I don't know whats wrong with me". My dad asked him what he meant and he told dad, "I should be dead by now." He wasn't in bad health or anything like that. He just thought that he should be dead by that age. It was a bit after his 100th birthday that he said that.
For me to live to be 100 I would have to live another 71 years. That seems like forever.

One better than a Birdie

As the SMFL season has come to a close I have been playing more golf. What a fun game. I am not that good at it but I like playing. I am so not good at it you might not use the term good at all to describe my play. I try to play below 100. I continue to practice and enjoy getting on the course as often as possible.
I am sure most of you have heard the phrase: "even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes". The premise to this quote sermises that anybody can get lucky at sometime in their lives. That is just what happend to me this last Tuesday. From 95 yards out on my second shot on a par 4 I chose my sand wedge to send the ball to it's destination. After landing it just short and right of the pin the ball bounced once, rolled, and cozied itself in a small hole in the ground where said pin was placed. Eagle. And hence the above phrase. I was shocked. And that is why we play; not to get eagles, but because golf is a game at which anyone can get better. We play for the challenge of bettering ourselves; not only at the game but also with our character. I can tell you that I rarely swear any more out on the golf course. Now that is character building. Concentration, Patience, and learning to look to the next shot are just a few life lessons taught by this game.

Friday, May 2, 2008

May 2nd, 2008 A.D.

Being the second of the month, I read Proverbs 2. It is funny how some of this stuff just comes along at just at the right time. Or maybe God aligns my trials and tribulations with what I will be reading the next day. I am unsure just yet... hmmm?

Proverbs 2 is good stuff -

Proverbs 2
1 My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,
3 and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
6 For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
8 for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.
9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse,
13 who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways,
14 who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,
15 whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.

Isaiah 8:11-14
Do not think like everyone else. Do not be afraid that plans made behind closed doors will be the end of you. Do not fear any thing but the LORD Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. He will keep you safe.

That wisdom stuff talked about in Proverbs 2 seems like something that I need. Even if I don't need it, I sure do want some of it. Both of these passages are good for me. They speak to situations I experience and that happen to all of us. The message is "Do not fear the world or what people can do, but wisely do what you are supposed to and fear God". The law of wisdom that God has put in place for us is a great way to avoid opening ourselves up to many of the traps of the world.


A complete change of subject -
I saw Expelled, the documentary by Ben Stein. It was great. Entertaining and well done. I recommend that you take 90 minutes out of your life to go see it. This documentary entertains the idea of stepping out of the box of accepting everything that the mainstream says - just because the mainstream says it. History tells us most of the time the masses are wrong. As you know, the geniuses are the outliers - they are not included in the masses; they are not like everyone else, the masses are average when looking at a bell curve. Who wants to be average? Think on your own. Ask questions; go get answers; when you are dealing with unsettled questions - don't settle with the answer the idiot next to you is satisfied with.
Go see it and let me know what your thoughts~~~~~~~~


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I love the whole world

This pretty much summarizes it -

Go watch me!!!!!!!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's a Tear Jerker :o(```

I read the below Rick Reilly creation this morning before work. It is one of those stories that gives you the same kind of feeling you get when you watch "Extreme Home Make Over". I'm not going to lie - I shed a tear or two this morning. It is a happy/sad story that really makes you want to be a good guy. It makes you want to examine what is really important in you life. Enjoy!

The Strongest Dad in the World:

I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans. Work nights to pay
for their text messaging. Take them to swimsuit shoots.

But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck.

Eighty-five times he’s pushed his disabled son, Rick, 26.2 miles in
marathons. Eight times he’s not only pushed him 26.2 miles in a
wheelchair but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy while swimming and pedaled him 112 miles in a seat on the handlebars — all in the same day.

Dick’s also pulled him cross-country skiing, taken him on his back
mountain climbing and once hauled him across the U.S. on a bike. Makes taking your son bowling look a little lame, right?

And what has Rick done for his father? Not much — except save his life.

This love story began in Winchester, Mass., 43 years ago, when Rick
was strangled by the umbilical cord during birth, leaving him
brain-damaged and unable to control his limbs.

“He’ll be a vegetable the rest of his life,” Dick says doctors told
him and his wife, Judy, when Rick was nine months old. “Put him in an

But the Hoyts weren’t buying it. They noticed the way Rick’s eyes
followed them around the room. When Rick was 11 they took him to the
engineering department at Tufts University and asked if there was
anything to help the boy communicate. “No way,” Dick says he was told. “There’s nothing going on in his brain.”

“Tell him a joke,” Dick countered. They did. Rick laughed. Turns out a lot was going on in his brain.

Rigged up with a computer that allowed him to control the cursor by
touching a switch with the side of his head, Rick was finally able to
communicate. First words? “Go Bruins!” And after a high school
classmate was paralyzed in an accident and the school organized a
charity run for him, Rick pecked out, “Dad, I want to do that.”

Yeah, right. How was Dick, a self-described “porker” who never ran
more than a mile at a time, going to push his son five miles? Still,
he tried. “Then it was me who was handicapped,” Dick says. “I was sore for two weeks.”

That day changed Rick’s life. “Dad,” he typed, “when we were running,
it felt like I wasn’t disabled anymore!”

And that sentence changed Dick’s life. He became obsessed with giving
Rick that feeling as often as he could. He got into such hard-belly
shape that he and Rick were ready to try the 1979 Boston Marathon.

“No way,” Dick was told by a race official. The Hoyts weren’t quite a
single runner, and they weren’t quite a wheelchair competitor. For a
few years Dick and Rick just joined the massive field and ran anyway,
then they found a way to get into the race officially: In 1983 they
ran another marathon so fast they made the qualifying time for Boston
the following year.

Then somebody said, “Hey, Dick, why not a triathlon?”

How’s a guy who never learned to swim and hadn’t ridden a bike since
he was six going to haul his 110-pound kid through a triathlon? Still, Dick tried.

Now they’ve done 212 triathlons, including four grueling 15-hour
Ironmans in Hawaii. It must be a buzzkill to be a 25-year-old stud
getting passed by an old guy towing a grown man in a dinghy, don’t you think?

Hey, Dick, why not see how you’d do on your own? “No way,” he says.
Dick does it purely for “the awesome feeling” he gets seeing Rick with a cantaloupe smile as they run, swim and ride together.

This year, at ages 65 and 43, Dick and Rick finished their 24th Boston Marathon, in 5,083rd place out of more than 20,000 starters. Their best time? Two hours, 40 minutes in 1992 — only 35 minutes off the world record, which, in case you don’t keep track of these things, happens to be held by a guy who was not pushing another man in a wheelchair at the time.

“No question about it,” Rick types. “My dad is the Father of the Century.”

And Dick got something else out of all this too. Two years ago he had
a mild heart attack during a race. Doctors found that one of his
arteries was 95% clogged. “If you hadn’t been in such great shape,”
one doctor told him, “you probably would’ve died 15 years ago.”

So, in a way, Dick and Rick saved each other’s life.

Rick, who has his own apartment (he gets home care) and works in
Boston, and Dick, retired from the military and living in Holland,
Mass., always find ways to be together. They give speeches around the
country and compete in some backbreaking race every weekend, including this Father’s Day.

That night, Rick will buy his dad dinner, but the thing he really
wants to give him is a gift he can never buy.

“The thing I’d most like,” Rick types, “is that my dad sit in the
chair and I push him once.”
Check on the youtube piece on these two -
& another


It's a good one, huh?

If you like this story you may want to consider purchasing "Hate Mail from Cheerleaders". It is a compilation of 100 of Rick Reilly's writtings. There are a lot of like this. He has a unique way of telling a story and he is very skilled at his craft.

This blog was brought to you by the Reading Rainbow~

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Vacation from Life

I notice how the place where I live is changing. Everyday green turns into gray. Fields and trees into a metropolis arm of greater Dallas. Irony - a beautiful piece of land which leads people to move to this area to take in all it has to offer, but as a result the land is stripped and transfigured from what is cherished to that which maintains those who cherished. …Changed from nature to cars, concrete, and complication.
I love going on road trips gradually watching the traffic, people, and cityscape turn into clouds, trees, and landscape. As you reach your destination in another city then you descend back in to what you left. It is as if taking an airplane ride. All the hustle & bustle of the airport and city is left behind as you are taken into creation. In the same way it is relaxing to drive in between our creations and lives and take in the beauty of what was here before we were. A vacation on your way to a vacation. I need one of those.

A prime example of progress is behind my house. The field there with the cows has the cows no more. This past Monday two cowboys were out there wragling them up. They took them all away. Hopefully they will build a gas station or a nuclear power plant there. People would rather ride on greenbacks than horseback.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Tradition of the Aggie Ring

If you know anything about Texas A&M then you know that it is deeply steeped in tradition. These traditions all have a history. It is interesting to see where traditions are born. Below is info describing the symbolism of the Aggie Ring.

The Crown

The base or “Crown” of the Ring: Shield at the top of Ring: Illustrates protection of the good reputation of the alma mater.
13 Stripes in shield: Symbolizes the 13 original states and the intense patriotism of graduates and undergraduates of A&M.
5 stars in shield: Refers to the phases of development of the student: mind or intellect, body, spiritual attainment, emotional poise, and integrity of character.
Eagle: Connotes agility and power, and ability to reach great heights and ambitions.

Right Shank
Star: Represents the Seal of the State of Texas, authorized by the constitution of 1845.
Olive and Laurel branch that encircles star: Signifies achievement and a desire for peace.
Live Oak leaves surrounding star: Means strength to fight.
Ribbon that joins the Olive and Live-Oak leaves: Shows the necessity of joining these two traits to accomplish one's ambition to serve.

Left Shank

Ancient cannon, saber, and rifle: Symbolizes that the citizens of Texas fought for their land and are determined to defend their homeland.
Saber: Also signifies valor and confidence.
Rifle and cannon: Also illustrates preparedness and defense.
Crossed flags of the United States and Texas: Reminders of the dual allegiance to nation and state.

For me info on the traditions of the Aggie Ring Visit:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Anti-Oxidants, an overview -

An informative article on Anti-Oxidants ~

Hardly a week goes by without news of antioxidants' health-promoting benefits. Experts believe these nutritional substances may help prevent heart disease, fight certain cancers, ward off dementia, and even slow certain aging processes.

Understanding the benefits of the different things we eat is crucial to maintaining a balaned diet.

There are thousands of antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, meats, poultry, and fish. Even foods once not known for being especially healthful, such as chocolate, coffee, and red wine, are now recognized as potent delivery systems for beneficial antioxidants.
However, the growing number of antioxidants being discovered (so far, there are more than 4,000 known flavonoids, and that's only one class of antioxidant) and the continual discoveries of new antioxidant food sources cloud understanding of these substances.
"Most people know that calcium is good for bone health, for example, but they don't know specifically what antioxidants do or how these chemicals benefit human health," says Milton Stokes, R.D,. a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
Read on as we simplify the latest science to answer those questions for you.
Antioxidants 101
We need oxygen to live. It travels from the lungs to every corner of the body, helping cells metabolize food into energy. But oxygen has a downside. Normally, the molecules in our cells have a full set of electrons, which keep them stable (think of them as a fortress surrounding a castle). But when these molecules come into contact with oxygen (i.e., they are "oxidized") they lose an electron, converting to an unstable type of molecule known as a free radical.
"Free radicals, if left unchecked, assault whatever cell constituents are nearby, including proteins, fats, and DNA," says Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton. "Once those molecules are attacked, their structure and function are changed and they don't work as well."
Ingeniously, Mother Nature created an instant free-radical fix. Antioxidants disable free radicals by donating electrons to replace those lost during oxidation. Some antioxidants can be manufactured by your body; others must be obtained from food. Dietary antioxidants fall into two groups. The first is made up of certain familiar vitamins and minerals, like vitamins C and E, selenium, and zinc, that have antioxidant capabilities. The second consists of the thousands of organic compounds found in plant foods that have functions like giving grapes their purple skins or cabbages their slightly sulfurous odor. They have names like anthocyanidins, catechins, lutein, quercetin, and resveratrol.
Preventing oxidation may have earned antioxidants their name, but we now know these substances do more than disable free radicals. Antioxidants also help reduce inflammation, keep arteries flexible, and preserve the genetic material every cell contains to prevent mutation. Each antioxidant also offers unique perks. For example, flavonoids in berries may help improve artery health, while lutein in spinach may help prevent macular degeneration.
Sorting out food sources
To measure a food's antioxidant content, scientists test it in a lab, where they usually measure equal quantities of each food they test. However, that amount may not be close to the serving size we usually eat. Realizing this, many-but not all-researchers convert their findings to common portion sizes before publishing the results of their work. That's one reason why Monday's health news may place blueberries on top of the antioxidant heap, while Thursday's may claim broccoli contains the highest levels of the compounds. Cooking Light: USDA's rankings of food antioxidant content
Also, several kinds of tests are used to measure a food's antioxidant power, another reason for the multiplicity of findings. The most popular test is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). ORAC measures an antioxidant's ability to protect against the most common free radical in human plasma, the peroxyl radical.
ORAC is a helpful starting point to guide consumers to foods that are rich in antioxidants as part of a diet that contains many different antioxidant-rich foods, especially since new antioxidants are being discovered all the time. But most nutrition researchers view antioxidant-counting surveys critically. How a food behaves in a test tube is one thing; how it behaves in our bodies is another.
"We don't know as much about what happens during digestion, absorption, and metabolism," says Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D., a research chemist with the USDA's Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center. "Some of these compounds may be absorbed well and others not as well." Anthocyanidin-rich blueberries are a good example. They may be antioxidant powerhouses in a test tube, but we don't absorb their antioxidants well and their effectiveness in our bodies is short lived. To gain the full benefit, you'd likely need to eat more of them than foods with a lower ORAC score that contain more readily absorbable antioxidants, such as kiwifruit or grapes.
What's more, antioxidant levels vary among different samples of the same food. For example, all apples don't have the same amount of quercetin and all lettuces don't provide the same dose of lutein. "The variability has to do with the climate, the nutrients in the soil, and storage conditions," Vinson says.
Eating for optimal nutrition
When it comes to dietary antioxidants, variety and timing are the key points.
Experts agree-while there's no formal recommendation for the amount of antioxidants we need-the best way to obtain them is from a varied diet. The reason? Antioxidants work synergistically and may provide a greater benefit together than they do individually. Consider a recent European Journal of Clinical Nutrition study that found the total antioxidants in a person's diet had a more substantial impact on plasma beta-carotene levels than the amount of beta-carotene in a person's diet. Researchers surmise other antioxidants pitch in to "spare" beta-carotene so it can work harder when it's needed. The same is true for other antioxidant vitamins. By consuming antioxidant-rich foods, you end up protecting or recycling compounds like vitamins C and E, increasing their levels so they're more available to function.
Unlike many other nutrients, you can't store antioxidants, so you have to keep replenishing the supply. "The important thing is getting antioxidants throughout the day and keeping levels high because they go down very quickly," Vinson says. Even small amounts can provide significant benefits. When German researchers recently looked at the impact of small amounts of polyphenols in dark chocolate on blood pressure, they found that just 0.2 ounces of dark chocolate shaved three systolic points and two diastolic points off hypertensive subjects' blood pressure.
As for supplements? Experts aren't as enthusiastic. Supplements are not substitutes for a healthy diet. "People tend to focus on a single nutrient because that's what research may be highlighting," says Jeffery Blumberg, Ph.D., director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at Tufts University. "But the benefits of eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can't be overemphasized. You need to have diversity in your diet, and there is no pill that provides it all."
The unknowns about antioxidants provide another reason to focus on food sources. "Because the science of nutrition is still evolving, we have to accept that everything there is to know isn't known," Stokes says. "Until then, just eat healthful whole foods." Cooking Light: Nine nutritional authorities share their perfect foods
The ABCs of antioxidants
Although scientists speculate that many antioxidants are as yet undiscovered, others are increasingly well known. Below are antioxidants you may have read about; they're categorized by family of associated compounds and listed with some of their most common food sources. Cooking Light: Why different colored foods are important
Beta-carotene: Orange/yellow fruits and vegetables (carrots, cantaloupe); dark leafy greens (spinach, kale)
Lycopene: Red-fleshed fruits and vegetables (watermelon, tomato)
Lutein/Zeaxanthin: Romaine lettuce, dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, corn, egg yolks
Anthocyanidins: Berries, grapes, wine
Catechins: Tea, cocoa
Flavonols: Tea, cocoa, coffee, berries, grapes, apples, wine
Flavonones: Citrus fruits
Isoflavones/Phytoestrogens (daidzein, equol, enterolactone, genistein): Soybeans, whole wheat, flaxseed
Quercetin: Apples, tea, capers, citrus fruits
Organosulfurs: Cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
Selenium: Brazil nuts, red meat, tuna
Sulfides: Onions, garlic, leeks, chives
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, kiwifruit
Vitamin E (tocopherols): Wheat germ, mono-unsaturated oils (sunflower oil, safflower oil), tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts), peanuts
Vetting antioxidant tests
Many over-the-counter tests claim to evaluate a person's free radical levels by measuring by-products of free radical metabolism via a urine sample. However, assessing antioxidant status isn't that simple. No single test will provide the total picture of what antioxidants may be busy doing inside your body. "What you want to measure is antioxidant concentration in a localized part of the body, like the surface of your arteries where antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, which accelerate atherosclerosis [hardening of the arteries]," Vinson says.
A simpler insurance policy? Following U.S. Dietary Guidelines, which recommend a minimum of four-and-a-half cups of produce and three ounces of whole grains each day. "If you're eating a varied diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, you're getting enough," Vinson says.

Monday, April 14, 2008


The SMFL. What is that you might ask? Sometimes I don’t even know and I am deeply involved in it.

Where was the SMFL born? How was it formed? Who were the forefathers? Lore actually tells us there were 5 fathers but that is neither here not there. I am unsure if the SMFL ever had a beginning. It was and well, one day it was discovered, or better said it was realized. Some of the ancient SMFL Sherpas believe the SMFL is more a state of mind or experience than a place or an organization.

Many moons ago a small group of men were called. They were called to gather for the purpose of fellowship and camaraderie. A pig skin was incorporated into the meetings along the way. The season, I believe, is actually based upon the moon cycles and lasts from 5 to 6 months or maybe longer. It might truly be aligned with the beginning of football season and come to a close when golf season is in full swing.

Due to the secrecy of this sect each member is not known by his birth name but by the name given to them when brought into the brotherhood. From the following list of names you will see the participant’s secrecy is guaranteed.
From the Commish him self, "we are not a "secret sect"... the use of nicknames is not for identity protective purposes but more for team bonding/camaraderie purposes. Using a nickname invokes the presence of a history/bond or relationship with the individuals to the league. Also, the "idea of the Commish" is not to protect the identity of the League founder/leader/organizer but merely to represent that the League is run by all members of the League... and "The Commish" is the voice for the majority of the league.

The Commish (We believe he is not only one who regulates and sees that the league runs as intended, but rumors circulate that he is also a player by another name)
Magic Patin
The Blank/Dr. Who – formerly known as the Zephyr

View here to see an in depth description of some of the players. The player descriptions are scattered throughout the expanse of this page so you might have to look for some of them.

The list goes on but we do not have the time or the space to complete it.

The age range of players has a spread from the lower twenties up in the nineties. We had a man who was 93 years old come out and play a few consecutive weeks. His name was Herschel. I speak the truth when I say this. His age is up for debate however, but there is no doubt it is beween 67 and 109. If he is as old as the speculated 109 then he woudl be the only SMFL player to ever have been alive in the 1800's the 1900's and the 2000's. I can’t say that he is spoken highly of… he is however spoken of. Only God know the whereabouts of the Herschel.

Before the weekly events begin time is spent in gathering for the purpose of reflection and learning. One of the members takes time to share from The Word/The Book/Bible. After the discourse a prayer follows then the games begin. It is brief but allows us to all realize what it is really about.

Not only does the SMFL foster biblical growth it also promotes physical and social growth.

To understand the full depth of what the SMFL is about you must view the distant cousin of the blog you are currently reading, . Examine it. Take in all it has to offer. Is there more to life than the SMFL? Well yeah there is a lot more. It is something we do to enjoy life and friendship. I would say it is a life enhancement tool similar to the wheel or possibly the internet.

There is a statement that summarizes its purpose:

“Committed to developing relationships where we can be used as instruments in encouraging biblical life change.”

Initiation involves only a request to the Commish at the above SMFL blog.

Semper Fi soliders, Semper Fi (sɛm pər fаɪ)


Friday, April 11, 2008

The Dive Revisted

This is a follow up on the Dive. See a few posts below as there was a Pre-Dive post.

From what I could tell it was successful, I was satiated spiritually and my entertainment stomach was full as well. There were probably ~1000 people there. The message, Re-Engage with Your Singleness, was great. And the music was out of this world. If you have never heard of Cary Pierce of Jackopierce go check him and his music out on the internet somewhere. He’s got a great story and he is one of those singer story tellers that really catches your attention. One moment you are trying to figure out what this guy is about then the next you are waiting to hear the next story or song. Before I knew it I was moving to his music and interested in the story of his life.

The message was entertaining and edumicating (ed-U-mik`at-ing)(that is my George Bush word for educational). To summarize- From what I can remember:

First I would recommend that you read 1 Corinthians 7 before and after you look over this. It will catch you up with where Todd, our speaker is basing his information.

-God Doesn’t Care If you are Married or Single:
Life is not about being married. All of life’s problems are not solved suddenly when you are married. As our speaker noted in 1 Cor. 7:28 Paul says, “But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.” Earlier he states that being married is not a sin, neither is being single. Paul is not denouncing marriage as wrong, but he is warning those that marry to beware that troubles can and will occur. To summarize this paragraph – Your life is supposed to be Christ centered and not self-centered. Get to know God as much as you can when you are single. How? Read the Word. Spend time with people who do. Meditate on this same Word/pray.

-Be Fruitful and Multiply:
This not only and not always speaks to biological procreation. Multiply the kingdom of God. Spend time planting seeds. Nourish and give attention to what you have planted so that when that which you have planted is grown they will be equipped to do the same. And of course when you are married – make babies.

-Remain a Eunuch:
I really don’t know where to go with this one. But I believe the gist of this was to be patient where you are and to do your job well (live you life well) where ever you are. If right now you are called to be single then live biblically as a single person should. Eunuchs were men chosen to watch over the king’s harem. So these men…cough, would serve at their posts faithfully, as that was their job. As it was told these men were emasculated. That somewhat helped them do their jobs effectively.
I am sorry I am unable to squeeze anything understandable from the small sponge of my brian in regards to this topic. I understood it when he was speaking about it, but I can't seem to remember the details...

-Enjoy your singleness. Do what you can while you are single. Read a book. Give to others. Travel. Play video games. Play sports. There are many things you will not be able to do when you are yoked with another. When you are married much of the time spent doing what you like will be time doing what Y’all like. What you (plural) like may not be the same as what you (singular) like. Or at least you will not have as much you time as you had when you were single. Todd (speaker) mentioned that he was able to give of himself more freely when he was single. He was able to pour more time into putting bricks into the house of God. He was able to be fruitful and multiply for the kingdom. He was able to learn and take time for his edumication and entertainment. Now more of his time is given to his family. If he would have spent his time worrying about who he was supposed to be with rather than making the most of his time then what he has now might not be had but rather wished it was had. Or to say more simply – he didn’t waste his free time worrying, but spent it in growing himself and others. Today he reaps rewards because of time well spent.

Do not marry anyone who has not previously been married. Or to say another way – marry only one who has been married to Christ. This statement is in regards to marrying someone who has similar beliefs. If you who are strong in faith enter into marriage with someone who does not have a foundation on Christ then man its gonna be tough(er).

-Men respect the ladies – treat older women as though they were your mothers and younger women as if they were you sister.

-Ladies respect yourselves.

There is a lot more that was covered but I either cannot remember it or am not learned enough to try to explain it effectively.

Over all it was a great message – I hope that some of the greatness was able to seap past my inability to write. This is from me: God wants to make each of us into the people we are supposed to be. Being single may be a way for us to focus on him. As C.S. Lewis said - 'we often forget about God until we need him.' So not having what we want may bring us back to the One who wants us to have what He knows we need.

I think the next Dive event is in June, so get ready.

Please be advised that the above information was from what I remember. There is no intent to mislead or misconstrue the message and or music that was witnessed the night of said Dive. Any misinformation, misunderstanding, or erroneous statements above have been made accidentally. Also, in no way were any animals or babies harmed in the production of this blog.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Leopards

The Leopards are an Under 07 boy’s soccer team that I help coach. Most of these guys are somewhat new to soccer. For most of them last season was their first time to play. The pictures that are included here are of last Saturday’s game - 04/05/2008. As you can see this is a lively bunch. We have a new guy this season named Will – he is a stud. He scored all of the goals this last game. Let me paint this picture. The other team kicked the ball out of bounds so Will asked if he could kick the ball in to play. In this league they kick the ball in rather than the usual overhead toss that you usually see. He was on our sideline on the side of the field with our goal. I told him, “go ahead and kick it in the goal”. Well that is just what he did. He shot a rocket right to the goal and with a slight touch from a defender he completed his hat trick. I had to take him out to be fair and the second time I did he got teary eyed cause he wanted to keep playing so much. Now that is what a coach likes to see. Not a young boy crying but a man who loves what he does and is committed. After a valiant effort the Leopards ended up a few goals short of the other team, but the other team didn’t ‘win’ since we don’t keep score. Everyone is a winner!


was anyone else outside last night around 8 oclock? thats right now for me. yeah, really nice - the view- a setting sun, the temp - the skin tells me around 71, the smell of freshly cut grass, a cricket syphony, and a breeze. I stepped outside and was forced to move my self and this laptop out to my back porch. The back of my house faces the west towards the setting sun. and let me tell you - you see some of the most amazing sites here. is there anything more beautiful than a sunset? Also since my fence was blown down twice i have a nice open view of the field behind me. there are about 200 yards till the road. within these 200 yards live about 5 cows. some mornings i wake up and a few of them have stuck their heads through the barbed wire fence to enjoy some of my grass. and they think they are getting the treat. it makes me kind of feel like ive got my own land with my own cows... except i don't have to take care of them... i don't even know what you do to take care of cows. Other sites from the back porch can be seen in these pictures. look at the weeds I have grown in my back yard. I cut the grass today and well, these just couldn't be cut down by the lawn mower. maybe i really thought that i was going to let them grow into yard plants. rather than going to lowe's to buy a shrub or bush i just let these texas natives grow freely. I'm probably going to take the weedeater out and give them a slow death next time I mow. Darkness has set in around me... the only lights i see are the occasional headlight passing beyond the cow field, either airplanes or ufos in the sky, and the light from this screen. and i thought it was a bad thing when my fence blew down, both times. i've changed my mind about that. slow down for a minute - go outside just before 8 tonight and watch the show.