This is a follow up on the Dive. See a few posts below as there was a Pre-Dive post.
From what I could tell it was successful, I was satiated spiritually and my entertainment stomach was full as well. There were probably ~1000 people there. The message, Re-Engage with Your Singleness, was great. And the music was out of this world. If you have never heard of Cary Pierce of Jackopierce go check him and his music out on the internet somewhere. He’s got a great story and he is one of those singer story tellers that really catches your attention. One moment you are trying to figure out what this guy is about then the next you are waiting to hear the next story or song. Before I knew it I was moving to his music and interested in the story of his life.
The message was entertaining and edumicating (ed-U-mik`at-ing)(that is my George Bush word for educational). To summarize- From what I can remember:
First I would recommend that you read 1 Corinthians 7 before and after you look over this. It will catch you up with where Todd, our speaker is basing his information.
-God Doesn’t Care If you are Married or Single:
Life is not about being married. All of life’s problems are not solved suddenly when you are married. As our speaker noted in 1 Cor. 7:28 Paul says, “But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.” Earlier he states that being married is not a sin, neither is being single. Paul is not denouncing marriage as wrong, but he is warning those that marry to beware that troubles can and will occur. To summarize this paragraph – Your life is supposed to be Christ centered and not self-centered. Get to know God as much as you can when you are single. How? Read the Word. Spend time with people who do. Meditate on this same Word/pray.
-Be Fruitful and Multiply:
This not only and not always speaks to biological procreation. Multiply the kingdom of God. Spend time planting seeds. Nourish and give attention to what you have planted so that when that which you have planted is grown they will be equipped to do the same. And of course when you are married – make babies.
-Remain a Eunuch:
I really don’t know where to go with this one. But I believe the gist of this was to be patient where you are and to do your job well (live you life well) where ever you are. If right now you are called to be single then live biblically as a single person should. Eunuchs were men chosen to watch over the king’s harem. So these men…cough, would serve at their posts faithfully, as that was their job. As it was told these men were emasculated. That somewhat helped them do their jobs effectively.
I am sorry I am unable to squeeze anything understandable from the small sponge of my brian in regards to this topic. I understood it when he was speaking about it, but I can't seem to remember the details...
-Enjoy your singleness. Do what you can while you are single. Read a book. Give to others. Travel. Play video games. Play sports. There are many things you will not be able to do when you are yoked with another. When you are married much of the time spent doing what you like will be time doing what Y’all like. What you (plural) like may not be the same as what you (singular) like. Or at least you will not have as much you time as you had when you were single. Todd (speaker) mentioned that he was able to give of himself more freely when he was single. He was able to pour more time into putting bricks into the house of God. He was able to be fruitful and multiply for the kingdom. He was able to learn and take time for his edumication and entertainment. Now more of his time is given to his family. If he would have spent his time worrying about who he was supposed to be with rather than making the most of his time then what he has now might not be had but rather wished it was had. Or to say more simply – he didn’t waste his free time worrying, but spent it in growing himself and others. Today he reaps rewards because of time well spent.
Do not marry anyone who has not previously been married. Or to say another way – marry only one who has been married to Christ. This statement is in regards to marrying someone who has similar beliefs. If you who are strong in faith enter into marriage with someone who does not have a foundation on Christ then man its gonna be tough(er).
-Men respect the ladies – treat older women as though they were your mothers and younger women as if they were you sister.
-Ladies respect yourselves.
There is a lot more that was covered but I either cannot remember it or am not learned enough to try to explain it effectively.
Over all it was a great message – I hope that some of the greatness was able to seap past my inability to write. This is from me: God wants to make each of us into the people we are supposed to be. Being single may be a way for us to focus on him. As C.S. Lewis said - 'we often forget about God until we need him.' So not having what we want may bring us back to the One who wants us to have what He knows we need.
I think the next Dive event is in June, so get ready.
Please be advised that the above information was from what I remember. There is no intent to mislead or misconstrue the message and or music that was witnessed the night of said Dive. Any misinformation, misunderstanding, or erroneous statements above have been made accidentally. Also, in no way were any animals or babies harmed in the production of this blog.
From what I could tell it was successful, I was satiated spiritually and my entertainment stomach was full as well. There were probably ~1000 people there. The message, Re-Engage with Your Singleness, was great. And the music was out of this world. If you have never heard of Cary Pierce of Jackopierce go check him and his music out on the internet somewhere. He’s got a great story and he is one of those singer story tellers that really catches your attention. One moment you are trying to figure out what this guy is about then the next you are waiting to hear the next story or song. Before I knew it I was moving to his music and interested in the story of his life.
The message was entertaining and edumicating (ed-U-mik`at-ing)(that is my George Bush word for educational). To summarize- From what I can remember:
First I would recommend that you read 1 Corinthians 7 before and after you look over this. It will catch you up with where Todd, our speaker is basing his information.
-God Doesn’t Care If you are Married or Single:
Life is not about being married. All of life’s problems are not solved suddenly when you are married. As our speaker noted in 1 Cor. 7:28 Paul says, “But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.” Earlier he states that being married is not a sin, neither is being single. Paul is not denouncing marriage as wrong, but he is warning those that marry to beware that troubles can and will occur. To summarize this paragraph – Your life is supposed to be Christ centered and not self-centered. Get to know God as much as you can when you are single. How? Read the Word. Spend time with people who do. Meditate on this same Word/pray.
-Be Fruitful and Multiply:
This not only and not always speaks to biological procreation. Multiply the kingdom of God. Spend time planting seeds. Nourish and give attention to what you have planted so that when that which you have planted is grown they will be equipped to do the same. And of course when you are married – make babies.
-Remain a Eunuch:
I really don’t know where to go with this one. But I believe the gist of this was to be patient where you are and to do your job well (live you life well) where ever you are. If right now you are called to be single then live biblically as a single person should. Eunuchs were men chosen to watch over the king’s harem. So these men…cough, would serve at their posts faithfully, as that was their job. As it was told these men were emasculated. That somewhat helped them do their jobs effectively.
I am sorry I am unable to squeeze anything understandable from the small sponge of my brian in regards to this topic. I understood it when he was speaking about it, but I can't seem to remember the details...
-Enjoy your singleness. Do what you can while you are single. Read a book. Give to others. Travel. Play video games. Play sports. There are many things you will not be able to do when you are yoked with another. When you are married much of the time spent doing what you like will be time doing what Y’all like. What you (plural) like may not be the same as what you (singular) like. Or at least you will not have as much you time as you had when you were single. Todd (speaker) mentioned that he was able to give of himself more freely when he was single. He was able to pour more time into putting bricks into the house of God. He was able to be fruitful and multiply for the kingdom. He was able to learn and take time for his edumication and entertainment. Now more of his time is given to his family. If he would have spent his time worrying about who he was supposed to be with rather than making the most of his time then what he has now might not be had but rather wished it was had. Or to say more simply – he didn’t waste his free time worrying, but spent it in growing himself and others. Today he reaps rewards because of time well spent.
Do not marry anyone who has not previously been married. Or to say another way – marry only one who has been married to Christ. This statement is in regards to marrying someone who has similar beliefs. If you who are strong in faith enter into marriage with someone who does not have a foundation on Christ then man its gonna be tough(er).
-Men respect the ladies – treat older women as though they were your mothers and younger women as if they were you sister.
-Ladies respect yourselves.
There is a lot more that was covered but I either cannot remember it or am not learned enough to try to explain it effectively.
Over all it was a great message – I hope that some of the greatness was able to seap past my inability to write. This is from me: God wants to make each of us into the people we are supposed to be. Being single may be a way for us to focus on him. As C.S. Lewis said - 'we often forget about God until we need him.' So not having what we want may bring us back to the One who wants us to have what He knows we need.
I think the next Dive event is in June, so get ready.
Please be advised that the above information was from what I remember. There is no intent to mislead or misconstrue the message and or music that was witnessed the night of said Dive. Any misinformation, misunderstanding, or erroneous statements above have been made accidentally. Also, in no way were any animals or babies harmed in the production of this blog.
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