Friday, April 25, 2008

A Vacation from Life

I notice how the place where I live is changing. Everyday green turns into gray. Fields and trees into a metropolis arm of greater Dallas. Irony - a beautiful piece of land which leads people to move to this area to take in all it has to offer, but as a result the land is stripped and transfigured from what is cherished to that which maintains those who cherished. …Changed from nature to cars, concrete, and complication.
I love going on road trips gradually watching the traffic, people, and cityscape turn into clouds, trees, and landscape. As you reach your destination in another city then you descend back in to what you left. It is as if taking an airplane ride. All the hustle & bustle of the airport and city is left behind as you are taken into creation. In the same way it is relaxing to drive in between our creations and lives and take in the beauty of what was here before we were. A vacation on your way to a vacation. I need one of those.

A prime example of progress is behind my house. The field there with the cows has the cows no more. This past Monday two cowboys were out there wragling them up. They took them all away. Hopefully they will build a gas station or a nuclear power plant there. People would rather ride on greenbacks than horseback.

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