Tuesday, April 8, 2008


was anyone else outside last night around 8 oclock? thats right now for me. yeah, really nice - the view- a setting sun, the temp - the skin tells me around 71, the smell of freshly cut grass, a cricket syphony, and a breeze. I stepped outside and was forced to move my self and this laptop out to my back porch. The back of my house faces the west towards the setting sun. and let me tell you - you see some of the most amazing sites here. is there anything more beautiful than a sunset? Also since my fence was blown down twice i have a nice open view of the field behind me. there are about 200 yards till the road. within these 200 yards live about 5 cows. some mornings i wake up and a few of them have stuck their heads through the barbed wire fence to enjoy some of my grass. and they think they are getting the treat. it makes me kind of feel like ive got my own land with my own cows... except i don't have to take care of them... i don't even know what you do to take care of cows. Other sites from the back porch can be seen in these pictures. look at the weeds I have grown in my back yard. I cut the grass today and well, these just couldn't be cut down by the lawn mower. maybe i really thought that i was going to let them grow into yard plants. rather than going to lowe's to buy a shrub or bush i just let these texas natives grow freely. I'm probably going to take the weedeater out and give them a slow death next time I mow. Darkness has set in around me... the only lights i see are the occasional headlight passing beyond the cow field, either airplanes or ufos in the sky, and the light from this screen. and i thought it was a bad thing when my fence blew down, both times. i've changed my mind about that. slow down for a minute - go outside just before 8 tonight and watch the show.

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