I will let the video go into the details about what it does, but I can tell you what it has done for me - I have had a marked increase in energy, my mood has improved, and I have been sleeping more soundly. Rather than waking up and being restless when I am in bed - I am asleep. As anyone knows sleep or lack there of can make or break your day. Another benefit I have noticed is that my allergies have gone away.
Now this is not a product that you can take and then in 5 minutes you have energy spewing out of every pour in your body. It is not like that, it is not like caffeine or any other artificial stimulant. These false sources of energy set you flying for a bit and then let you down with a crash. What MaxGXL does is that it goes to the cellular (in your body, not in your phone) level and begins to repair what has gone awry with time, poor nutrition, stress, pollutants, alcohol, and just general inflammatory processes of the body. It acts by promoting Glutathione production.
And this is where the questions begin. What is glutathione? Do I want that stuff to be in my body? And so on...
As I mentioned, the video will go into some of the details about glutathione and what it does. Let me preface that with a cliffs notes version of what is known as glutathione or in the medical world GSH. Glutathione is an anti-oxidant. If you know anything about nutrition or health or have heard anything about disease processes you then know that anti-oxidants are good things and they are important to your body. What they do essentially is they protect your body from the negative by products of cellular reactions. As you know the body is an elaborate chemistry set. There are billions of reactions that will happen today before you go back to bed. Many of these reactions utilize oxygen. And when this is done there is an opportunity for oxidative stress to occur. Oxidative stress can be fast forwarded by poor diet, stress, smoking, lack of sleep, toxins, poor air quality, diseases, and from other sources as well. Essentially when oxidative stress occurs in the body it can cause damage to cells. And since cells make up tissues - tissues are eventually damaged --> then damaged tissues can lead to disease --> disease can lead to premature death. Of course this all takes place over many years. An example of oxidative damage that everyone can relate to is rust. Rust is oxidized iron.
Back to what MaxGXL does - it promotes glutathione production in each of the billions of cells in your body thus reducing the damages done by oxidative stress. Examples of oxidative stress of the body include signs of aging (since our levels of glutathione production go down as we age): wrinkled skin, decreased energy, memory loss; inflammatory problems - this is huge, since almost every disease (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease which is America's #1 killer, and pretty much any other disease you can think of) begins with inflammation and continues with inflammation. By increasing your levels of intracellular glutathione you can turn the tide on the inflammatory process. What does that mean for you? I have mentioned a few of the benefits I've experienced, and that is just after 4 months. I first began to see benefits about 2 - 3 weeks after starting, some begin to see benefits after 2 months and some after 4 days. It all depends upon how much oxidative stress your body is under. Glutathione will first be utilized by the most urgent area of need. If that is to reduce inflammation on the internal wall of a major artery thus slowing or stopping the formation of plaque and the eventual cascade to a potential cardiovascular occlusion or if it allows your body to utilize ATP (the body's currency of energy) more efficiently thus proving you with more energy - either is great, but your energy level might not jump up for 60 to 90 days if the glutathione is 'putting out' more important fires in your body.
So you see how glutathione works to improve your energy and body in a natural way. It is nothing like caffeine or a quick, unhealthy, boost to get you through the day. It is an approach to assist your body in it's natural function. As a person reaches their lower 20's their production of glutathione naturally begins to decrease. That is why this is generally when people begin to notice their 'metabolism' decreasing and their energy level dropping.
I am not trying to tell you this is a wonder drug (actually it is not a drug at all) cure all. But what I can tell you is that this product increases glutathione levels in 100% of the people 100% of the time. Do you see the benefit to that?
There are many factors that play a role in disease processes (genetics, diet, environment, lifestyle choices), but you can play a proactive role in reducing your chances of many maladies by making wise lifestyle (exercise, good nutrition, stress management and relaxation,...) and health choices.
For each man is appointed to live and then die, so why not make your time here full of vitality and enjoy it to the max.
If you are interested in learning more about the product - contact me, go to my website, or watch the video.
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