I returned from my trip to Colorado Monday night. We landed in Dallas just as the rain turned to snow. The plane's wings were covered in a mat of frozen white flakes with in 10 minutes of landing. An amazing site for Dallas, TX. Both David and I were exhausted from the four days of snowboarding and the lack of Oxygen (O2 for you chemistry geeks) at 12,000 feet. The dense Dallas air felt good to breath again. After praying for a snow day for work the next day and being disapointed we made our way back to the salt mines on Tuesday morning.
This week's regularity was irregular to say the least. On Wednesday I went to a jury duty summons. Serving on a jury seems very American with it's civic processes, community involvement, and the feeling public duty it fosters. I almost felt like I was contributing to society. However, I was not selected. Maybe for another day.
Thursday's work was cut short by the second snow storm of the week. We left work around 1:30 p.m. The snow continued solid until that evening. And today, Friday, we had to be at work at 10:00 a.m.
I am sure many of you are interested in the events of our Colorado excursion. So...
David and I left work Thursday and were taken the DFW airport by our friend Javier, a pilot. While waiting on our flight we ran into two aquaintances, a Ms. Roshawn Talley & Ms. Kelly Roberts. Both of them go to church with us at Watermark. Kelly entertained David and me for the duration of the flight. Rob, the 3rd fellow in our row was kind enough to switch his aisle seat with Kelly's middle seat a few rows up so we could all sit together.
We arrived in Denver around 8:00 p.m. After picking up the car and David's lady friends from Miami we made our way on I-70 to Copper Mountain.
Our first day on the slopes was a nice warm up with the tempature topping out in the 50*s. Day two, Saturday was warm enough to wear only a jacket, ski pants, gloves, and a tee shirt. I was still hot. Saturday night brought a storm that dumped maybe 6" of accumulated snow. It was also very cold. The temperature was in the single digits on Sunday. The snow continued all day Sunday. Monday morning was without snowfall but the temerature was -3*F. This was the best day yet. The snow was perfect and the slopes were without much traffic. After riding half a day we took our time getting back to Denver.
I will let the pictures tell the story of our time in CO. Just click to "view slideshow". All I will tell you about Colorado is that it is beautiful and it is very hard to breath there, at least while your body has not ajusted to the thin air. There were many great things about the trip. I loved the natural beauty of mountian, snowboarding was awesome, my traveling companions were super, and it was nice to get away from what they call the 'race of the rats'. >.<
I have the opportunity to purchase a new iPod. The mountain ate mine... or an idiot (me) lost it. Ohh well, at least it was only an iPod & I didn't break any bones or misplace my wallet. Maybe next time I will put it in a pocket with a zipper.
Signing Out~